I build ASME code pressure vessels for a living. I started welding in heavy steel manufacturing shops back in 2007 or 2008. I've done it a long time. Up until a couple of years ago, I'd basically resigned myself to the idea that I'd just be a Welder for the rest of my life.
In 2016 I moved to Texas. I will tell you that story when those tunes are released... lol. Suffice it to say, the following four years were a blur of vicious emotional abuse and self-deprecating behavior. By 2020 I'd basically resigned myself to the idea that I'd be a worthless, no account, sack of shit who welded for the rest of my life.
Just prior to my divorce, I fell into some bad habits. Being convinced that I would never amount to anything but garbage, I played the part. Incidentally, I also played an acoustic set for a burger joint.
I had a good time and got a few dollars in my pocket. I also got some positive attention for the first time in years. I decided, shortly thereafter, that playing weekend gigs would keep me off the bottle, get me out of my dark little hole (my bedroom), and get me a few extra dollars to help pay my bills. Win all around, I reckon.
I found booking to be fairly difficult, and nearly gave up. Fortunately, I had fallen in with a fairly fantastic group of musicians, who not only supported me, but saw something better in me. Through them, I met someone who would took an interest in me, and became the catalyst that initiated the biggest turning point in my musical journey.
Shawn Fussel agreed to record an acoustic demo, so I could maybe grab a few more gigs. I met him at his studio, put the cans on, and scratched out four tracks. Afterwards, we had one of the absolute most meaningful conversations I'd ever been a part of.
He told me my talent, drive, and professionalism warranted more than a demo. He agreed to fully produce my entire catalog.
Terry Wayne Conder Music was born.
Since then, through trials and tribulations, ups and downs, blood, sweat, and no small amount of tears, we have began to create something beautiful.
So... "the what for"...
My producer, my friend, saw something in me that I had refused to see in myself. Many others refused to see it, too. So, a large part of what I do is driven by my enthusiasm to make his time and his faith in me bear fruit.
This is why I started. It's become only one reason why I'll continue, but will remain perpetually one of the biggest reasons.